Free your Heart and Soul to birth the life
you dream of living!
Be everything you are capable of being!
Free Half-Hour
Schedule your Free Half-Hour Discovery Call
to see if this work is a good fit for you!

Reverend Michele DeMoulin
Interfaith Minister, RMT, Founder
Fiamma D’Amore Institute & Ministries

Imagine being completely yourself. Feeling entirely unencumbered by the pain of your past. By old hurts or unhealthy patterns. By betrayals or harmful messages. By unkind self-perceptions and limiting beliefs.
Imagine being whole, vibrant and healthy. Unshackled from all that has plagued you. All that depletes your vitality. That dampens your spirit. That diminishes your beauty and dulls your light.
Imagine that you are free of the weight of your history. Freed to create a life rich and vibrant with the giving and receiving of love. A life firmly anchored in loving yourself, others and the world with depth and authenticity.
Imagine being able to love sincerely, passionately and unabashedly. To create soulmated partnership and sacredness in all your loving. To love as you have never loved and dream as you have never dreamed.
Imagine fulfilling your greatest human potential. Being everything you hunger to be. Living life both blissfully and effectively from deep within your Soul.
Imagine bringing your unique gifts bountifully and unreservedly into the world. Sharing your Light copiously, prosperously and dynamically as you make a vital difference.
Imagine honoring your Divine Path and Purpose with Truth, Heart and Power; embracing your innate Beauty and reflecting your essential Radiance.
Imagine being healthy, whole, vibrant, alive and overflowing with Joy. Free to birth the Miracle that is you!
Wellness ~ Empowerment ~ Relationships ~ Education
Heart ~ Evolution ~ Community
These focused, effective, no-nonsense programs and healing resources are love-based and dramatically successful. They will, with sincerity and dedicated effort, get you where you want to be expediently. Yet, at a pace that is aligned with your unique needs, nature and rhythm. It will be an honor and privilege to walk this beautiful journey with you in caring partnership.
Return to Wholeness
A Life-Changing Program! Healing, Trauma Release, Renewal, Creation
Loving With Your Whole Soul! New Love, Deeper Love, Going The Distance
A Potent, Illuminating Course! Using The Power Of Love To Heal & Bless
Heart-Centered Support! Healing, Channeling, Training, Mentoring, Ministry
Living Love & Light! Inspiration, Service, Community, Education, Evolution, Wellness
Life Within The 5th Dimension! Heart, Purpose, Abundance, Radiance, Peace, Miracles, Joy
Individual & Group Trauma Release! Neutralize/Clear Pain, Grief, Fear Or Trauma; Reclaim Your Power & Joy
Spiritual & Physical Partnering To Bless! Expansion, Illumination, Strengthening, Community, Focused Prayer, Service

Return To Wholeness
A Life-Changing Program!
Healing, Trauma Release, Renewal, Creation

As human beings, we have all experienced pain. The scars of which are often still present within us. Without us realizing it, they may be keeping our dreams at bay, preventing love from entering or coloring the relationships we have. They may be causing us to create similar painful experiences, adversely impacting our health, sapping our overall wellbeing and diminishing our light.
I invite you to invest in healing from the past, strengthening in consciousness and returning to wholeness with this rejuvenating, dynamic and life-changing program!
Return To Wholeness is a one-of-a-kind program that is extraordinarily effective. It is both surgical and dynamic, both subtle and no-nonsense, both grounding and expansive, both nurturing and empowering. It offers personalized phone or online healing/mentoring sessions designed to clear whatever may be in the way of your becoming everything you are capable of being.
We will work together in caring partnership to nurture your Inner Light and address key issues; to strengthen your personal and spiritual awareness; and to help you establish a solid, healthy, effective and dynamic foundation for healing the past, visioning and reshaping your future, strengthening in body, mind, heart and soul and building the life of your dreams.
Speciality Emphasis Programs
The Return To Wholeness program may also be refined and expanded to support achieving specialized dreams and goals in the following key areas of emphases:
- Soulmates & Sacred Love
- Spiritual Powerhouse
- Dream Catcher Life Creation
- Higher Path & Purpose
These customized specialty emphasis options are potent and priceless. It would be my honor to support you in fulfilling any and all of your dreams. Please note that at least an 18 or 24 session commitment is recommended for the specialty emphasis options. Continued

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.”
Helen Keller

Soulmates & Sacred Love
Loving With Your Whole Soul!
New Love, Deeper Love, Going The Distance

Most of us have learned to hold back when it comes to love. We’ve learned to protect ourselves, to hide, to run, to sabotage, to project, to ignore . . . We often devalue it and push it away. We may find ourselves closing our hearts and blocking the flow of our love. Perhaps we are metering out, with miserly control, its unique beauty and the deep passion our hearts hunger to express.
As a rule, we humans don’t really allow ourselves to love fully, to love in the extraordinarily gorgeous ways we are capable of loving. We have learned to do just the opposite, and so, have barely “touched” the lover we are exquisitely capable of being.
Love is boundless and potentially ever blossoming; ever becoming more miraculous, more authentic, more powerful, more true, more alive, more complete, more luminous . . . Our souls ache to unabashedly express this love. To give life to the copious spring and bottomless reservoir of love at our core. It is our souls’ deepest drive.
The SOULMATES & SACRED LOVE program can help you “reset your course” in order to dramatically increase your daily experience and expression of love. Whether you are wanting to draw to you a new soulmate partner, increase the health and sacredness of an existing union, deepen self-love, better navigate soulmate ups and downs, nurture relationship longevity, cultivate kindred friendships, find your “tribe” or uplift the quality of all your relationships, the SOULMATES & SACRED LOVE program, is a highly effective way of getting you expeditiously where you want to be. This exciting resource is focused, intentional and dynamic; yet also, soulful, instinctive and nourishing.
SOULMATES & SACRED LOVE is one of the four Specialty Emphasis programs offered through the potent RETURN TO WHOLENESS program mentioned above. (The other three RTW Specialty Emphasis programs are: Spiritual Powerhouse ~ Dream Catcher Life Creation ~ Higher Path & Purpose. For more information on RTW, please go to this page.
Through RTW, we begin this emphasis with laying a strong spiritual, emotional, physical and mental foundation for greater loving by clearing or neutralizing old hurt, trauma, anger, shame, fear or grief; by reclaiming and strengthening personal power and sovereignty; by deepening connection with your inner light, joy and spiritual center; and by beginning to clarify and activate the small and large dreams you have for yourself.
Together, we bring you back to center so that your magnificent heart and soul can begin to give and receive love more freely, deeply, authentically and bountifully. So that you can more easily create your deepest, most fulfilling dreams of love. And so you can enrich, heighten and increase your daily experience, expression and celebration of love. Continued

There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.”
Albert Einstein

Healing with Love
A Love-based, Life-changing, Online Course
Learn the Art of Using the Power of Love to Heal, Bless & Protect!

Love is all that is. It is the most powerful force in the Universe! It is our source, our essence, our pulse, our body, our very breath. It is the heartbeat of nature, the guiding presence, the fiber of form, the truth of life itself. It may be used with consciousness and heart to heal, protect, nourish, uplift, create and empower.
In this comprehensive, transformational program, you will deepen your capacity for love, strengthen personally as well as spiritually and learn ways of using love with consciousness, care and skill to heal, bless, protect and support.
Your natural compassion and healing gifts will find both their roots and their wings. You will emerge from this course with the tools you need to more dynamically support yourself and others with healing, prayer and guided intuition. If you wish it, you will also have established a solid foundation upon which you may develop your own healing practice.
The Healing With Love Program not only certifies you to the corresponding degrees of Reiki, but it also teaches Higher Vibrational Healing ~ such as Communication with Divine Presence, Angelic Healing, Healing with other Divine Beings, the Power of Prayer, Channeling, Healing Through Community, Personal Truth and Empowerment, Visioning, Co-Creation and much more. Continued

Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides, and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of Love, and then, for the second time in history, Man will have discovered fire.”
Teilhard de Chardin
Additional Resources
Heart-Centered Custom Support!

It will be my privilege to lovingly support you in the ways that feel most true for you as an individual and at this important time in your life! Below are a few more options to consider.
In addition to the Return To Wholeness, Soulmates & Sacred Love, Healing With Love or other Specialty Emphasis programs, you may also choose from a variety of personalized options. Together, we would custom-fit sessions to support what would feel most resonant and beneficial for you, drawing from the areas of Transformational Healing, Channeling, Divine Communication, Mentoring & Consultation, Reiki Training & Interfaith Ministry.
I am inter-denominational in my approach, and work with people of all faiths and of no faith. This work will feed and amplify your Inner Being, your Heart, your Soul, your Higher Self and internal core. It will strengthen you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, bringing you back to center and helping you feel more whole, healthy, joyous, peaceful and clear.
Whatever modalities you prefer to utilize for our sessions, we will shape them in ways that are aligned with your unique needs, health, preferences, short and longer-term goals, budget, belief system and dreams. Continued