Soulmates & Sacred Love
Loving With Your Whole Soul
Most of us have learned to hold back when it comes to love. We’ve learned to protect ourselves, to hide, to run, to sabotage, to project, to ignore . . . We often limit it, devalue it or push it away. We may find ourselves closing our hearts and blocking the flow of our love. Perhaps we are metering out, with miserly control, its unique beauty and the deep passion our hearts hunger to express.
As a rule, we humans don’t really allow ourselves to love fully, to love in the extraordinary ways we are capable of loving. We have learned to do just the opposite, and so, have barely “touched” the lover we are exquisitely capable of being.
Love is boundless and potentially ever blossoming; ever becoming more miraculous, more authentic, more powerful, more true, more alive, more complete, more luminous . . . Our souls ache to unabashedly express this love. To give life to the copious spring and bottomless reservoir of Love at our core. It is our souls’ deepest drive.
Let’s explore a few powerful options that I would be delighted to share with you that will help you to nurture your capacity for soulmate relationship and sacred loving:
SOULMATES & SACRED LOVE ~ RTW ~ Specialty Emphasis Program
This potent personalized program will be experienced as a private healing and mentoring opportunity. It will help you clear past trauma, pain or blocks in your relationship history and strengthen your capacity for both self-love and love of others. It will support you in deepening the sacredness of existing relationships, help you create more longevity, joy and authenticity in relationships, help you love more deeply and freely, and if you wish it, help you to draw to you a soulmate partner or a “tribe” of kindred spirits or both! You will find more information about the remarkable RTW program in the Return To Wholeness section of this website.
SOULMATES & SACRED LOVE ~ RTW is one of the four Specialty Emphasis Programs offered through the potent RETURN TO WHOLENESS Program mentioned above. We begin this emphasis with laying a strong spiritual, emotional, physical and mental foundation for greater loving; by clearing or neutralizing old hurt, trauma, anger, shame, fear or grief; by identifying and working to change unhealthy relationship patterns and releasing their grip; by reclaiming and strengthening personal power, truth and sovereignty; by deepening connection with your inner light, joy and spiritual center; and by beginning to clarify and activate the small and large dreams you have for yourself in the areas of love and life. Together, we bring you back to center so that your magnificent soul can begin to give and receive love more freely, deeply, authentically and bountifully, and as a result, draw to you healthier love.
The SOULMATES & SACRED LOVE ~ RTW program will help you “reset your course” in order to dramatically increase your daily experience and expression of love. Whether you are wanting to draw to you a soulmate partner, increase the health and sacredness of an existing union, deepen self-love, better navigate soulmate ups and downs, nurture relationship longevity, cultivate kindred friendships, find your “tribe” or uplift the quality of all your relationships, the SOULMATES & SACRED LOVE ~ RTW program, is a highly effective way of getting you expeditiously where you want to be. This exciting resource is focused, intentional and dynamic; yet also, soulful, instinctive, nourishing and love-based. Sign up now!
Fiamma D’Amore Institute & Ministries SOUL DEEP LOVE Program offers an array of extraordinary and effective resources to deepen and amplify our daily experience of love, increasing our overall capacity for loving with strength, sacredness and authenticity. Below is the newest offering in this beautiful and exciting program: {For more detail about Fiamma and other offerings, go to: www.fiammadamore.org }
In this healing, nourishing, supportive and empowering 6 Week Course, you will be able to develop a strong foundation for creating the love of which you dream ~ and as a “side benefit,” creating more love in your life, in general!
You will begin the process of healing, and receive tools to further heal, old relationship wounds, clear blocks and resistance, learn to forgive yourself and others, strengthen in your capacity for self-love and awareness, learn more about the nature and truth of love, how to open your heart more fully and how to love deeply and genuinely. You will begin more effectively opening the door for soulmate and sacred love to be your every day experience, and will work in caring community to support one another and to help each other create their deeper dreams of love.
This fun, transformative and nourishing 6-week online course will provide: A caring, safe and emotionally supportive environment to enable deep healing and release; heart-centered weekly presentations; insightful written materials and instruction; recommended, but not required, exercises and preparations; recordings of the classes for deeper experience and reference; and spiritually rich, expansive meditations to support gentler, deeper integration of the healing and growth stimulated; as well as, more substantially opening your heart and activating your dreams and intentions. MAKING SOULMATE LOVE YOUR REALITY is generally offered every two months and can be repeated for deeper experience of the teachings and development.
Clearing The Way, Creating Foundation, Opening The Door
1st WEEK Defining Soulmate & Sacred Love, Identifying Relationship Patterns, Our Roles In Them & Releasing Their Hold, Opening The Heart & Welcoming Love
2nd WEEK Fear & Shame, Healing Old Wounds & Reclaiming Our Power & Joy, Opening The Heart & Welcoming Love
3rd WEEK Believing In Our Lovability, Self-Love & Forgiveness, Strengthening Our Spiritual Center, Opening The Heart & Welcoming Love
4th WEEK Intimacy, Developing Trust In Self, Others & Life, Being Wise, Clear-Thinking & Discriminating, Opening The Heart & Welcoming Love
5th WEEK Visioning New Love, Sharpening Intention, Nurturing Faith, Surrender & Sovereignty, Opening The Heart & Welcoming Love
6th WEEK Deepening Consciousness, Letting Your Heart Lead & Your Soul Create, Opening The Heart & Welcoming Love
This extraordinary course is also offered online in One-Day Intensive Workshops. Normally scheduled on the weekend, it is a powerful, no-nonesense opportunity to look more carefully at and transform unhealthy relationship patterns, reset your course in the area of love and clear the way for fulfilling, passionate and authentic soulmate and sacred love to be your every day experience. The curriculum above gives you a sense of what will be covered, yet in a one-day format. Sign up now!
The bond of love that is the essence of all relationships exists separate from the confines of physicality. Yet, it is, as well, alive within our physical bodies and all aspects of our beings . . . heart to heart, soul to soul, body to body.
It is gifted us to teach us about ourselves, to teach us about Truth and Divinity, to teach us the innate, immeasurable and miraculous joys of Love and of Life. Deepening sacredness in relationship not only blesses those involved, but also uplifts the vibration of all it touches. Through loving deeply and authentically, we are bettering ourselves and our world.

This is a truly wondrous time in our development as human beings! Though it may be hard to see this during chaotic, destabilizing and painful times such as these, we have now collectively evolved enough that we have the potential to physically experience deeper sacredness and beauty in all forms of love than we have previously known to be possible. We are at the beginning stages of this unfolding blessing, but the pathway has been cleared for us to blossom into this miraculous truth.
The heightened levels of pain, challenges, grief, shock, struggles, and trauma that have also been so widely prevalent for so long, have served to strengthen and purify us, refining our hearts and minds that we may embrace love with increased courage, sacredness, humility and truth . . . if we so choose.
We have been blessed with this opportunity now, at this point in history, so that we can dramatically uplift our planet, through the embodiment of Higher Love! What could be more beautiful. It takes courage, commitment, faith and focus, yet, it can be, and is already being, done.
Creating soul mated partnerships, and fostering sacredness in all love, is vital to the health of our world! It is through the manifestation of this higher expression of love that Divine Love and Grace may be more strongly physicalized. It creates substantially more powerful and concrete channels for God’s Unconditional Love and Light to be physically present and operational in our world And, it is through the active presence of these channels of Love that we will have greater strength in collectively learning to embody Love, in collectively turning towards the Light. In more easily aligning with 5th Dimensional Consciousness and living Love & Light. It is both a precious gift to us and our destiny!
Assisting in facilitating soul mated partnership and deeper sacredness in love is one of my areas of specialization. Following are some options available for Creating Soul Mated Partnership and Sacredness in Love which you can learn more about through this site:
Return To Wholeness ~ Soulmates & Sacred Love ~ RTW Specialty Emphasis Program, The Soul Deep Love Program’s Bringing In Soulmate Love Online 6-Week or One-Day Course, Personalized Sacred Love Relationship Mentoring, Private Transformational Healing including Soul Level Communion with your beloved and Amplified Prayer Support. All of these options are profoundly healing, transformative, empowering and exceptionally beneficial in both drawing to you your beloved, as well as deepening and supporting the sacredness, health and longevity of existing relationships. I will be honored to support you in creating the love and life of your dreams!
Transformational Healing
The key to being able to draw to you, manifest, or sustain Soul Mate, Twin Soul and all Sacred Union is to purify and strengthen the vibrations of your soul as it communicates through you so that the being you are expressing to the world is as purely reflective of your true self as possible. It is in that core place within your being where sacred love lives.
Thus, transformational healing assists well in clearing this pathway to love as it helps to heal and bring into balance the ego, as well as the mind, heart, soul and body. This work may be experienced in a hands-on setting, by phone or video, or over distance. For more detailed information about this work, please see the Transformational Healing section in Additional Resources on this site.
Soul Level Communion & Communication
n this profound exchange, you and I would open our hearts together to experience communication and connection with the soul of your loved one, as long as we get permission from the spiritual plane. In existing relationships, this is a powerful way to heal and clear issues that have been troublesome; to come into deeper understanding of the other and of the sacred bond between you; to strengthen and uplift the love you share; and to heal and release old wounds so that you may remain in greater touch with the higher truths of your bond and grow to embody their deeper expression.
To use this modality to draw your Soul Mate or Twin Soul to you when you have not yet met, we would use Soul Level Communion & Communication to deepen the spiritual and internal experience of this love and of your soul bond; to gather information that will help to clear the pathway between you physically; to further prepare you emotionally and spiritually and to feed and heal both of your souls that you may have greater strength and healthy openness in preparing for union.
This work may be done as part of a healing session or by itself, and may also be done through phone or video (healing energies also come through as part of these sacred communions).
Amplified Prayer
We may choose to use prayer, and sometimes ritual, as part of clearing the way for you to unite and to support the further healing, strengthening and purifying of your souls in preparation. We may also use prayer to send healing to assist your beloved in navigating the harder parts of his or her path and spiritual preparations and to also bless and sanctify your union, lifting it to its highest manifestation and further clearing the pathway between you. We would always pray for only what feels most pure, appropriate and helpful for you both, and we always ask that all prayers and intentions expressed be only for the very highest good and blessing for your both.
“My bounty is as boundless as the sea, and my love as deep. The more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite.” William Shakespeare