Return to Wholeness
As human beings, we have all experienced pain. The scars of which are often still present within us. Without us realizing it, they may be keeping our dreams at bay, preventing love from entering or coloring the relationships we have. They may be causing us to create similar painful experiences, sapping our overall wellbeing and diminishing our light. I invite you to invest in healing from the past, strengthening in consciousness and returning to wholeness with this rejuvenating, dynamic and life-changing program!
Return To Wholeness offers personalized phone or online healing/mentoring sessions, designed to clear whatever may be in the way of your being everything you are capable of being. We work together in caring partnership to nurture your Inner Light and address key issues, to strengthen your personal and spiritual awareness and to help you establish a solid, healthy, effective and dynamic foundation for healing the past, visioning and reshaping your future, and building the life of your dreams.
{Please take advantage of the Special Half-Price Introductory Rate. This is a comprehensive process, and we have the potential to cover a lot of territory. Stronger levels of commitment allow us to more fully and effectively accomplish what you envision. Each session will build upon the previous, enabling us to go deeper into both the layers of healing and those of growth and co-creation.}
Some of the refined modalities from which we may draw are: Specialized Trauma Release, Supplemental Instructional Materials, Higher Vibrational Healing, Reiki, Spiritual Mentoring, Guided Meditation, Focused Intention or Prayer, Self-Love and Consciousness Strengthening, and Interfaith Spiritual Alignment, Connection and Communication.
In this evolving program, we may choose to incorporate the following six key components. We customize them to your needs and wants and to what is most important and beneficial for you at the time. We fine-tune our emphasis dependent upon what will best serve you, your levels of commitment and your unique healing and spiritual journey. We can always go deeper with this work, and additional sessions can be added at a discount at the time or at a later point, if desired.
Inner Reboot
The carefully developed Inner Reboot technique is an efficient, dynamic and potent approach to neutralizing or fully clearing past and present hurts or traumas. We will be giving voice to what had no voice at the time, and bringing consciousness and clearing to what may be continuing to cause us harm or limitation.
Through this direct and highly effective process, we surgically address the hurts of the past or present, allowing you to speak your truth, to reclaim your power from their oppression and to finally say whatever needs to be said at a human level but was unable to be said at the time. When the pain is released, we are then able to restore our vibrant connection with self-love, health, strength and confidence.
Held within a caring container of gentle, grounded, healing and integrative support this extraordinary process is a “no-nonsense,” efficient, yet loving, way to tackle and overcome the traumas of our history so they are no longer harming us or holding us back.
Reclaiming Personal Power & Joy
The key to becoming everything we are capable of becoming is to strengthen our relationship with our Hearts. We do so, in part, by developing our consciousness. Thus, in continuing to reclaim our power from the hurts of our history, we must not only give voice to our past pain, but also bring awareness to our subconscious patterns, false beliefs and skewed perceptions that are very often running the show for us and causing us continued pain.
Using supplemental materials, mentoring, continued implementation of healing modalities and integrative meditation or prayer support, we look at what distorted belief systems and underlying messages or ancestral patterns may still be present. We look at “stories,” behaviors or inaccurate beliefs that we may have unwittingly adopted, things we may be absorbing from others, automated responses, etc., in order to develop clearer, healthier, more truthful self-awareness and to reconstruct a sense of self and of life that is purer and more resonant, bountiful, joyous, effective, genuine and miraculous
Authentic Love With Self & Others
The wounds of our history have confined and distorted our brilliant, innate capacities for loving. They have repressed our Hearts and sullied our interactions. In order to be happy and fulfilled, we need to correct this painful imbalance.
With a cleaner, more solid, foundation laid by clearing past pain and reclaiming your personal power and joy, you are then increasingly freer to unleash and further develop your powerful, inborn capacity for loving. You are freer to start really being yourself!
Together, we will strengthen your ability to more genuinely love yourself and bring awareness to what you dream of creating in relationship to love. We will support you in being able to nurture both your capacities for self-love ~ as the foundation of all loving ~ and for loving others with greater authenticity, devotion and depth. We open the door for deeper love and create a clearer pathway for Truth and Sacredness to be present in relationships.
The Return To Wholeness program may also be expanded and used to draw to you a Soulmate or Twin Soul, to create healthier dynamic and longevity with a Soulmate or Twin Soul and to deepen Sacredness in all relationships. {For this specialized emphasis, please note the “Soulmates & Sacredness in Love” option in your contact form.}
Spiritual Vitality
Our fourth optional section that may be incorporated in this program, if you wish, supports the development of a strong spiritual center personalized to work with your unique ideological foundation. One that would support the belief system that is genuine and resonant for you, whatever that may be. All of our sessions will help you connect more easily with your Inner Light and spiritual core. They will strengthen their flow and presence within you. Yet, we may also further develop its foundation within you in the following ways.
We can discuss spiritual Truths and practices, including both practical and intuitive ways of working with them, thus increasing your knowledge base. Together, we may also choose to customize a spiritual practice or tool kit that works for you. One that protects, stimulates and heightens the experience of your unique Soul Essence and of communion with the Higher Power of your own understanding.
We nurture connection and alignment with your Inner Light, the higher, deeper part of you ~ whatever that may be for you. Whether you are agnostic, embrace an organized religion or are somewhere in-between, you will emerge from this process more whole, with a stronger spiritual center, and with tools that will enhance and empower your life.
The Return To Wholeness program may also be expanded to focus on this issue intensively and facilitate even deeper spiritual understanding and experience. {For this specialized emphasis, please note the “Spiritual Powerhouse” option in your contact form.}
Dream Manifestation & Co-Creation
Through clearing the pain of the past and achieving spiritual vitality and radiance, we can also actively use the power of heart-felt intention and refined consciousness to help you reshape your life more meaningfully, dynamically and expansively. To help you more successfully seed and create your progressive deeper dreams, as well as your short and long-term goals.
We work together to assist you in becoming clearer as to what they may be; to see what your Heart and Soul have to say about the matter; to brainstorm ideas; to think outside the box; to refine an approach and to birth them. We further anchor and activate them, and support your vibrational alignment with them, using joined intention setting or prayer, practical tools, further clearing of blocks if needed and integrative meditations.
The Return To Wholeness program may also be expanded to facilitate the manifestation of deeper dreams with increased speed, focus and strength. {For this specialized emphasis, please note the “Dream Catcher Life Creation” option in your contact form.}
Life Purpose
Our Life Path, or Higher Purpose, is imprinted within our Souls. Subtly, yet faithfully, it calls to us. Reminding us who we are in our Heart of Hearts and patiently waiting until what is in the way of its radiant expression is cleared. We have to be aligned with its presence and higher vibration in order to support its manifestation.
The work of returning to wholeness that this program offers helps with that clearing and realignment. It will also assist your Soul in creating your life authentically. We will work in “partnership” with your Soul, through heightened consciousness and receptivity, to identify, activate and support the unfolding creation of your Life Path.
With this program, you are clearing what is in the way and bringing yourself into a cleaner, more vibrant connection with your Heart and Soul. When this happens, your Soul is freed to begin expressing itself more fully and directly. And when you are ready, it will begin helping you birth the steps necessary to support and create the beginning phases of the evolving beauty that is your Life Path and Purpose or Purposes.
The Return To Wholeness program may also be expanded to facilitate the creation and activation of Life Purpose with greater speed, focus and strength. {For this specialized emphasis, please note the “Higher Path & Purpose” option in your contact form.}
(payment plans may also be negotiated)
4 Session Commitment ~ $ 640 $160 per 1.5 hr session
8 Session Commitment ~ $ 1,120 $140 per 1.5 hr session
12 Session Commitment ~ $1,440 $120 per 1.5 hr session
18 Session Commitment ~ $1,980 $110 per 1.5 hr session
24 Session Commitment ~ $2,400 $100 per 1.5 hr session
Introductory Rate
(for a limited time)
(payment plans may also be negotiated)
4 Session Commitment ~ $ 320 $80 per 1.5 hr session
8 Session Commitment ~ $ 560 $70 per 1.5 hr session
12 Session Commitment ~ $720 $60 per 1.5 hr session
18 Session Commitment ~ $990 $55 per 1.5 hr session
24 Session Commitment ~ $1,200 $50 per 1.5 hr session