Additional Resources
Heart-Centered Custom Support
It will be my privilege to lovingly support you in the ways that feel most true for you as an individual and at this important time in your life! Below are a few more options to consider.
In addition to the Return To Wholeness, Soulmates & Sacred Love, Healing With Love, other Specialty Emphasis programs, Love & Light At The Helm, Inner Reboot, Love Warrior’s United and Fiamma D’Amore, you may also choose from a variety of personalized options. Together, we would custom-fit sessions to support what would feel most resonant and beneficial for you, drawing from the areas of Transformational Healing, Channeling, Divine Communication, Amplified Prayer, Mentoring & Consultation, Reiki Training & Interfaith Ministry.
I am inter-denominational in my approach, and work with people of all faiths and of no faith. In whatever context we are working, this work will feed and amplify your Inner Being, your Heart, your Soul, your Higher Self and internal core. It will strengthen you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, bringing you back to center and helping you feel more whole, healthy, joyous, peaceful and clear.
We will shape what we do together in ways that are aligned with your unique needs, health, preferences, short and longer-term goals, budget, belief system and dreams.
Transformational Healing
From my perspective, healing is about returning to wholeness, to center. It is about restoring our natural state of balance, spiritual alignment, vitality, joy, peace and well being that gets battered by daily life. Transformational Healing sessions facilitate greater physical health, emotional balance, mental and spiritual clarity and personal empowerment.
They are an extraordinarily effective means of recreating your life in ways that are more joyful, meaningful, dynamic and successful. You may choose to experience them individually or as part of a series. {Healing and Transformation are also integral and foundational parts of all specialized programs offered because it is simply central to how the Blessed Beings utilize me.}
How does it work?
You may experience transformational healing through hands-on healing sessions, phone sessions, video sessions or distance healing. In all contexts, we work with the healing power of Unconditional Love to fortify your inner and outer beings, bring healing or strengthening to blocked areas and establish a clearer pathway for you to create the life you envision. We shape our sessions to best support you, your needs, dreams, goals, ideology and whatever may be going on for you at the time.
With each session we custom fit it to meet your greatest level of wellbeing and your desired goals. We use a combination of Reiki, amplified prayer support (if you wish) and other forms of higher vibrational, love-based energy to amplify life force and facilitate healing and empowerment. The sessions are gentle, nurturing, deep, layered and subtle; yet, they are also equally profound and powerful. The primary “ingredient” is Love – the warmth and sweetness of love, as well as the power and majesty of love.
Regular sessions are highly effective ways of creating consistently positive shifts in your life.
Transformational Healing can help me to:
- Fortify physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually
- Heal, ease grief and repair old wounds
- Strengthen, cleanse, uplift and deepen relationships
- Draw to me and nurture Soul Mate connections
- Manifest and empower my life goals and dreams
- Receive Divine communication, connection, blessings and guidance
- Bring healing to family relationships and core issues
- Open the door for more opportunities to love and be loved
- Create more abundance and success for myself and my loved ones
In-Person Transformational Healing Sessions
In-person Transformational Healing Sessions are relaxing, as well as, potent. They are deeply healing, strengthening and empowering. The experience is multi-dimensional, working at many different layers of consciousness and of being to support you in the highest and most beneficial ways.
We may bring in any of the modalities that I call “Higher Vibrational Healing.”{Such as, soul-centered Counseling, Trauma Release, Spiritual Mentoring, Intuitive Coaching, guided meditation to welcome healing energies, Amplified Prayer, Intuitive Divine Communication, blessing loved ones, healing and uplifting relationships,Soul Level Communication, etc.} And we also physically utilize highly refined levels of the Reiki Energies.
Reiki is a form of healing with the power of love and life-force energy. It supports our unique soul’s design and its ability to help us create a joyous, successful, resonant and meaningful life. It gently, yet skillfully and dynamically flows through the palms of my hands and my heart into your body; bringing warmth, calm, clarity and a feeling of spiritual and personal centering and realignment.
My hands are placed gently on or above your body and positioned to optimally bring healing, increased life force, balance and revitalization to all of your primary organs, glands and bodily systems. It will also clear old hurts or blocks, strengthen your Inner Light, Joy and Peace, support mental and emotional clarity and enhance connection with spiritual awareness.
Phone Or Video Healing Sessions
“Transformational Healing” may also be experienced by phone or video. The emphasis here is customized with your beliefs, needs, intentions and preferences. We may choose from an array of modalities and use any or all that resonate. Such as soul-centered Counseling, Trauma Release, Spiritual Mentoring, Intuitive Coaching, guided meditation and the welcoming of healing energies, Amplified Prayer, intuitive Divine Communication, Soul Level Communication, blessing loved ones, healing and uplifting relationships, etc. {All of these modalities may also be incorporated into in-person session.}
For one of these sessions, we would set an appointment for this work and begin with identifying the focus. It is normally offered by the hour. The main “ingredient” here, too, is Love and may be used extremely successfully with regular sessions and packages may be purchased at a discount.
Amplified Prayer
Through the openness within both our souls and the deeper level of communion with the Divine that we experience in the healing process, we are able to generate greater strength, energy and focus for anything for which you may wish to pray. This “Power of Prayer” may be used to amplify your heart’s deeper intentions, offer healing, empowerment, protection or upliftment for you or for others, bless our world, transform difficult situations, etc. It may also be used in pragmatic ways in the areas of health, relationship, prosperity, spirituality, success, path, etc. Our joining in Heart through the Power of Love, Faith and Focused Intention strengthens the power of our prayers and creates a more solid pathway for them to manifest.
Intuitive Divine Communication
The heart of the way that Great Spirit works with me in our healing sessions is to allow me to be a facilitator in creating for you deeper and clearer communion with the Divine Presence or Greater Power of your own understanding, through the power of love. One of the options that may be incorporated in a session is communication with the spiritual plane. This is sometimes called channeling.
Transformational healing may be experienced successfully with utilizing this option or without it. It is entirely your choice. What it most important is that this work resonates with you, and feels in alignment with your nature, individual preferences, ideology and needs.
In choosing this precious, beatific healing method, deeper communion with the Divine is experienced at multiple levels. You and I open in our hearts to embrace guidance, love, revelation and healing. In this way, we are able to receive communication from the Angels, Mother Mary, Jesus, Buddha, Saints, Animal Spirit Guides, loved ones, etc. We connect with the beings with whom you feel the strongest affinity or from whom you would like to hear, and I communicate what they reveal to me as purely as I am able.
One way the communion is experienced is mentally and emotionally, as verbal information is transmitted. The Holy Ones may express Their vast love for you; the beauty with which they hold you in Their Beings; the vision for your life that They embrace for you; guidance about your path, your relationships, your career, your dreams; and responses to specific questions we may pose. I do not identify as a “psychic,” and though it is intuitive information that comes through, it is mainly about the blessing, healing, empowerment and ennoblement that comes through. About the Blessed Beings great love for you and Their passionate desire to love and support you.
The divine communion is also experienced vibrationally and internally, so it becomes a physical and spiritual experience as well. God uses the frequencies of my voice, my heart and my soul’s presence to transmit a very highly refined frequency of loving, healing energy to further heal, strengthen, fortify, cleanse and refine you in your unfoldment. This energy deepens your communion with the Divine, as it flows abundantly into all parts of your being. Some people feel or see the presence the Angels and Blessed Beings. It is usually a whole, organic experience and opens the door for a deeper, more expansive level of integration with your soul, your own divine nature and with your relationship with the Divine Presence.
Intuitive Divine Communication may be experienced as part of a hands-on healing session, by itself or over the phone.
Soul Level Communication
Working at this same level of spiritual openness and receptivity as we do with Intuitive Divine Communication, we may also choose to connect and communicate with the souls of loved ones, both living and dead ~ as long as we get permission to do so. This is a very sacred process that enables you to heal past issues, communicate repressed feelings, ask questions, come to deeper understandings, clear the pathway for increased connectedness, and deepen the sacredness, soul bond and love between you. Healing energies may also be transmitted to both parties in this process through the power of your love for each other.
This is a very powerful means of healing and deepening relationships. One may also use it to heal and shift unhealthy patterns held in his or her ancestry, or in your own past or present lifetimes. The experience of soul level communion and communication helps us to stay in greater touch with the sacredness and eternal nature of love and to have increased strength in letting go of those things that are of small importance.
Remote Healing Sessions
Because Unconditional Love knows no bounds, It’s healing power is not limited by time and space. Thus, remote healing sessions may also be dramatically successful in creating healing, release, transformation and empowerment. In distant sessions, I use Reiki energy, focused prayer, intention and love to assist in facilitating whatever it is we choose to address.
We discuss desired goals and a loose schedule for doing the work; however, no official appointment is necessary to do the work, just faith, positive intention and openness to healing occurring. It is recommended that at least one week’s worth of remote sessions be done in order to create momentum. This would be 3 to 5 days of prayer work per week, depending upon the goals we wish to achieve. Others in your heart, may also be included in this prayer work.
How To Best Support Transformational Healing & Spiritual Expansion
Healing with energy, or as I see it, with the healing powers of Unconditional Love, is certainly not easy to define, nor fully understand. It is simultaneously subtle and powerful, gentle and dynamic, specific, expansive and progressive. It is important to remember that through this feeding and freeing of your soul, you are brought into greater balance in all aspects of your life. This growth will unfold in response to your openness, to your gifts and your readiness to embody the changes growth brings. The more you support both your body and inner being with rest, good food and water, nurture, continued healing, expression, beautiful sounds, nature and spiritual exploration, the easier and more complete, rapid and comprehensive your growth will be.
Regular transformational healings build upon themselves. Each session builds upon the previous, and allows you to go deeper into your inner alignment and wellbeing and your capacity for personal empowerment. For this reason, the most efficient way to maximize the benefits received from Transformational Healing is to plan on doing sessions anywhere from one to three weeks apart for a while until your goals are achieved. It is less efficient and momentum is lost if sessions are spaced more than three weeks apart.
The other key thing to bear in mind in making the most of transformational healing is that your soul knows how to lead you into your greatest joy and truest self, your true path. Your soul knows the way and will get you there if you open to its direction and to the healing process.
Your soul knows what lessons you must learn to bring yourself into alignment with the higher parts of your being and offers them to you so you may come into balance. Whatever challenges are “in your way” will either be released through the healing process or come to the surface so you may better learn from them and be freed. Your soul also knows how to help you with learning these lessons, as well as integrating the new, clearer, stronger, more whole you.
So, it is good to let go of being resistive or having to control or understand it all mentally. The healing process is all beyond what we can understand at a human level. To allow your soul to do its powerful job of helping you create a beautiful and meaningful life and of lovingly teaching, supporting, protecting and guiding you. Doing so will speed up your growth and make it easier on you. Also, it helps to remember that allowing yourself to consciously stay as connected as possible with Love, Gratitude and Peace will soothe and assist your soul and your body in its efforts.
Healing and transformation take courage and the willingness to release limiting patterns, to expand in heart and in life and to become even bigger and brighter than we ever thought possible! It is easy and only human to be frightened by change. Yet, know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you are fully capable of becoming all that is housed deeply and beautifully within your magnificent soul!! It is your Truth and potential Destiny. Your higher path and deepest joy awaits you!
“A life lived in fear is a life half lived.” – Spanish saying.
Brief Testimonials
“I’ve been doing all kinds of body work and counseling work for 20 years, and this was the most powerful session I’ve ever had! I was able to release everything I wanted to, and the change, movement, in my life afterwards was
very profound and positive.”
-PLG, Santa Cruz, CA
“I don’t think I would have chosen to do this with anyone that I didn’t trust as much as I trust you. You’re so full of love.”
JC, Australia
Reiki Instruction
To me, teaching is about lovingly communicating essential truths, about creating a clear channel of Love within which we may jointly embrace the Universal Intelligence as it is expressed through our humanness. It is about sharing, one heart to another, through the power of Unconditional Love, that we may both, or all, become more whole in ourselves; that we may both, or all, be further energized and empowered in our life paths and the beauty of our beings; that we may both or all expand and blossom.
Whatever we may together be learning, growing in love and heart, both individually and joined, is the cornerstone upon which we grow. This blessing lays a powerful foundation from which illumination, transformation, personal empowerment, healing, release of pain, co-creation and personal fulfillment may spring. We are held within the lush womb of Divine Intelligence and Renewal, and we are made new ~ more true, more whole, more vital.
Student Testimonial
“I learned early on to protect myself with a hard shield of “strength.” The moment I shook your hand, I could feel the love radiating from you. I knew that you were to be the one to teach me the art of strength through love and gentleness. I had not even known that was possible. Learning Reiki and learning this “art” from you has changed my life! I credit you, also, for helping me to dramatically improve and deepen my relationship with my daughter.” T.D. Monterey, CA
What Is Reiki?
Reiki is a form of healing with Life Force Energy, or as I experience it and teach it, working with the Healing Power of Unconditional Love. {You may also learn Reiki, as well as Higher Vibrational Healing through the Healing With Love Program listed on this site.} The healing power of Love is omnipresent. It is always available to bless us if we are open enough to its beauty. Studying Reiki allows you to learn how to better access, harness and focus these wondrous, omnipresent energies so that they may be of greater use in blessing you or others with increased health, strength, spirituality, wellbeing and personal power.
Reiki feeds, nourishes and fortifies your entire being, empowering your soul as well as your body. It is an extraordinary tool for improving health at all levels ~ physically, emotionally and mentally ~ and it is, also, a powerful vehicle for personal and spiritual development and expansion. It makes it easier to be in touch with and give power to your soul, your inner-most being, and it supports your unique strengths and gifts so you can create more joy for yourself, for others and for the world.
How is it taught?
I offer classes in one-day workshops, both online and in person, normally with a small group, including supplemental practice classes for those who wish them. The workshops are sacred, powerful experiences which enable you to more artfully access and work with these gentle, yet dynamic, energies.
{THE HEALING WITH LOVE PROGRAM: Whether we are experiencing a session or learning to facilitate the Reiki healing energies, Reiki supports each of our unique soul’s designs. Helping us to be more in tune with and expressive of our beautiful Soul. For me, it has strengthened and continually deepens, refines and expands my ability to also work with the spiritual plane consciously to heal, bless, protect and empower. I call this Higher Vibrational Healing. It utilizes connection with the Divine Presence of our own understanding, communion and communication with Them, channeling Their guidance, wisdom and healing, and working with the extraordinary and diverse potential within the Power of Prayer. If Higher Vibrational Healing also resonates for you, you will likely be interested in my course that combines both Reiki Instruction and Higher Vibrational Healing Instruction listed in this site called, “Healing With Love.” It is a unique, miraculous and comprehensive online course. Most people find it truly life-changing and it comes highly recommended by former students. For more information on this potent and extraordinary online course, check out that section of this site.}
Learning Reiki allows you to express this subtle, deep, loving and potent form of healing to heal and empower yourself; to bless and heal others; to send healing to the planet and all creatures upon it and to deepen relationships. Whether you wish to use Reiki to heal others or not, it is a powerful tool for personal growth and health.
In the way that I teach Reiki, there are four levels or degrees that you may pursue. Each degree heightens your sensitivity to the healing energies and allows you to have greater strength in utilizing the energy to be of blessing to both yourself and others. Each level is taught separately and requires integrative time in between. These degrees are:
Reiki I
Reiki II
Reiki III
Reiki IV or Master/Teacher
Classes are taught either privately or in group settings and are scheduled based on specific need. Please contact me for more information or to register. Contact Michele!
Ministerial Offerings
I feel profoundly blessed to be an Interfaith Minister, initially ordained through the Essene New Life Church. There is a level of service that it enables me to facilitate that is profoundly moving for me, helping me to further heal, grow and strengthen in my own spiritual evolution and in that of my work. I am humbled and honored to share in its grace with you.
As a minister, I embrace the higher truths of many different spiritual ideologies offering trans-denominational options, customized to personal ideology and preferences. I was raised Catholic, though I am no longer a practicing Catholic. My roots are firmly planted in the ancient Essene belief system of honoring all of life ~ women, men, children, animals, the environment and the spiritual plane ~ with equal reverence. I continue to have a primal, evolving and passionate connection with Jesus, Mother Mary and Archangel Michael, and work very closely with them in all areas of my life.
My commitment as a minister is to be a warrior and beacon for Divine Love and to infuse It’s great beauty and power into all that I offer as purely as I am able, both as an educator and in counseling or ritual.
Sacred Ceremony
I am available for weddings, baptisms, funeral services and to be of comfort and spiritual assistance as one is born or nears transition. Ceremonies are customized to what is most resonant and true for the circumstances and the individuals involved. My emphasis in facilitating ceremony is on holding the space for the dynamic presence of Unconditional Love to bless and uplift. That it be fully resonant for the parties I am serving, and feel authentic, inspirational, meaningful and sacred for them and for those present.
A channeled blessing from our Beloved Mother Mary
“Blessed be your Heart. The Beauty of your Being. The Strength of your Soul. The Wisdom of your Body. The Greatness of your Mind. Blessed be all that you are. In all times and in all ways, the Grace of your Heart shines brightly upon this Earth and shines with ever more brilliance in alignment with Our own.”
It would be a joy and privilege to serve you. May the warmth of the sun and the brilliance of the stars, as they shine brightly the glories of Mother/Father God, feed you deeply with your soul’s own Peace, your path’s true Beauty, your vast and limitless capacity for Love!